Average Salary in Germany | Region, Gender, Education

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Written By Alex

The average salary in Germany varies greatly, depending on the industry, region, and gender. How much do Germans earn on average, and how is this figure calculated?

According to the latest official statistics, in Germany, the average salary 49,200 € gross per year.

However, occupational groups such as nurses or child and youth care workers are far from such an average salary, even though they are among the system-relevant professions.

How does this sum come about, and what is the average income in Germany anyway?

Topics in this article

Average salary and the cost of living in Germany >>
How much does a German make in one year? >>
The average salary by region >>
Income in Germany by profession >>
Average salaries in Germany by gender >>
Education and average salary >>

Key takeaways

  1. In Germany, the average salary is 49,200 €.
  2. The cost of living in Germany has been increasing over the last years and it’s been harder to cover your expenses with a lower income.
  3. The salary in Germany depends on which region you live, gender, and your education.
  4. The highest average salary is in Hamburg.
  5. The lowest average salary is in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
  6. Unfortunately in Germany men have, in average, a higher salary than women.
  7. To understand how net you will receive at the end of the month you have to use a salary calculator in Germany.

Does the average salary cover the cost of living in Germany?

Your salary might not be enough depending on the region you live in, your situation, or your life-quality expectations. This can be due to the increasing costs for housing, food, and health insurance premiums.

The latest study from the private research institute empirica shows that Munich is the most expensive city in Germany, followed by Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, and others.

High rents are usually the most significant burden for singles and families.

But there are also costs for public transport or the commute to work, food, and other living costs. It’s recommended that your rent eats up no more than 30% of your salary.

Let’s take a closer look at the average cost of living in Germany.

How high is the average cost of living in Germany

The Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) published current figures in a compilation on the cost of living in Germany. According to this, private households in Germany as a whole spend approximately EUR 2.574 as the cost of living.

The value is somewhat higher in the old federal territory (approx. 2,668 Euro) in the new federal states. The value lies with approx. 2,214 Euro.

The cost of living in Germany is made up:

  • food
  • beverages
  • tobacco products
  • clothing and footwear
  • housing
  • energy
  • home repairs
  • interior furnishings
  • household appliances and household goods,
  • health care expenses
  • transportation
  • postal services and telecommunications
  • recreation and culture
  • education
  • restaurant services
  • other goods or services.

Rent occupies the highest amount here, averaging 33% of the cost of living.

How much of the average salary will go on the income tax in Germany

Germany has about 41 million people who are liable to pay income tax, either employees or freelancers.

Since the amount of income tax depends on the amount of income and the federal state, the religious affiliation, and the solidarity surcharge, the calculation is often not quite simple.

This progressive tax rate is calculated on average as follows:

Average tax rateUnmarriedMarried couples
Basic tax-free amountUp to 9,744 €Up to 19,488 €
12%Up to 14,754 €Up to 29,508 €
21%Up to 57,918 €Up to 115,836 €
42%Up to 274,612 €Up to 549,224 €
45%From 274,613 €From 549,225 €
Average tax rate in Germany – Progressive tax rates

The average tax rate is only used for more straightforward calculations. This means that everyone has an individual tax rate in Germany, and the tax rate defined in the table is only used for more accessible analysis.

The Federal Ministry of Finance has published an Official Income Tax Handbook for this purpose.

The difference between gross salary and net income in Germany

The gross salary is your monthly payments without any deductions. It also includes the sum agreed in your employment contract!

The net salary remains after taxes, and other payments are taken out of the total amount paid into an account. Income tax ranges from 30-50%.

In general, you could say that it’s around 35%, depending on how much one earns and where one lives (since every country has different income tax rates).

Calculate your net salary with the help of the salary calculator Germany

Suppose you are thinking of moving to Germany or changing your job or residence within Germany and starting a new career.

In that case, it is helpful to know your net income to better enter into salary negotiations.

With the salary calculator Germany, you can easily calculate your net income in Germany.

Once you have calculated your net income, you can compare your income with the average income in Germany.

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Average salary Germany – How much does a German make in one year?

Germany’s gross average income is around 4,270 € per month for men and 3,699 € per month for women. Here it is assumed that the respective persons work full time.

The value was averaged across the individual federal states.

I have compiled another list with more exact details to allow you to evaluate your salary even better, depending on the place of residence.

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Regionale Gehaltsunterschiede in Deutschland regional difference in salary in Germany

What is the average salary in Germany by region?

To get a better overview of the distribution of salaries in Germany in relation to the federal states, below is a list of all 16 federal states in Germany divided between men, women and an overall average value of monthly salaries:

Hamburg5,330 €4,253 €4,966 €
Hesse5,076 €5,386 €4,835 €
Bavaria4,916 €4,001 €4,652 €
Baden-Wuerttemberg4,961 €3,883 €4,646 €
Berlin4,735 €4,136 €4,502 €
North Rhine-Westphalia4,641 €3,917 €4,429 €
Bremen4,665 €3,863 €4,422 €
Rhineland-Palatinate4,360 €3,761 €4,186 €
Lower Saxony4,311 €3,681 €4,135 €
Schleswig-Holstein4,117 €3,581 €3,963 €
Saarland4,127 €3,555 €3,959 €
Brandenburg3,583 €3,561 €3,575 €
Saxony3,634 €3,399 €3,561 €
Saxony-Anhalt3,567 €3,482 €3,539 €
Thuringia3,451 €3,302 €3,401 €
Mecklenburg Western Pomerania3,409 €3,322 €3,379 €
Average salary Germany by region (monthly salary)

The original list can be found at statista.de. The statistics show the average gross monthly earnings (with special payments) of full-time employees in Germany’s manufacturing and service sectors by state and gender in 2020.

In 2020, the average salaries and salaries for male employees in Thuringia were around 3,451 Euros.

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Average salary in Germany per industry Gehalt in Deutschland nach Branchen

How high are the average salaries in Germany by profession

In Germany, there are currently about 324 different recognized professional groups.

The actual number of occupational groups is significantly higher, as some occupations do not require recognized training and are nevertheless in demand and occupied by companies.

I have summarized the most important occupational groups here and listed their average salaries per month.

Occupational GroupAverage Salary (monthly)
Information and communication4,919 €
Energy Supply4,906 €
Financial and insurance services4,895 €
Freelance, scientific and technical services4,327 €
Manufacturing industry3,998 €
Mining and quarrying3,993 €
Real estate and housing3,861 €
Manufacturing (total)3,860 €
Public administration, defense, social security3,789 €
Education and training3,694 €
Manufacturing and services (total)3,501 €
Water supply3,487 €
Services (total)3,352 €
Arts, entertainment, and recreation3,320 €
Construction3,230 €
Health and social work3,112 €
Other services3,005 €
Trade2,967 €
Transport and storage2,847 €
Other economic services2,251 €
Hospitality1,403 €
Average salaries in Germany by profession (monthly salaries)

The positive development in recent years shows that salaries and salaries in Germany have risen steadily in recent years. This applies particularly to the salaries of specialists and skilled workers, whose jobs are challenging to fill (shortage of skilled workers).

What is the average salary of an engineer in Germany

Engineers in Germany currently earn a gross base salary of around 60,000 Euros per year.

This figure is from 2021 and is calculated based on 439 salaries that were published anonymously on glassdoor.

However, this can vary significantly in individual cases. It depends on the industry, company, experience or federal state in which the person is employed.

The average salary in IT in Germany

An average salary of an IT consultant/expert is 55,587 € per year, whereby the salary range can be between 42,000 € and 74,000 €.

Often, the high differences occur due to work experience, company, and state of residence.

What is the average salary of a hairdresser in Germany?

To determine the average salary of a hairdresser in Germany, you need to take a closer look at the profession and employment trends.

Salaries range from €570 per month for hairdressers in training to €1,990 per month as a salon manager.

The more experience a hairdresser has, the more salary he can expect.

This can end up at an average of over €2,300 per month in a permanent position. However, or precisely for this reason, many hairdressers have chosen the path of self-employment.

They often rent a chair in a store and earn significantly more, with an established clientele.

Also, the choice of the federal state can still play a decisive role here, as can be read in the article from Jobs Regional.

How much does a waiter make in Germany?

Many employees, especially waiters and service staff, often have a meager base salary in the restaurant / hospitality industry.

At present, one assumes a gross annual income of approx. 25,526 Euro in the catering trade, which would hardly be sufficient in such a way regarded as salary in Germany.

With which waiters can improve however frequently in the catering trade clearly, is the tip, which is usual in Germany.

This tip is often not listed in the tax as a salary but is usually paid out in cash and therefore does not appear in any statistics.

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Salary gap men women in Germany Gehaltsunterschiede in Deutschland nach Geschlecht

Average salaries Germany by gender

Currently, the gender pay gap is frequently reported in the press.

This refers to the salary gap between men and women in the same professions, same positions with the same areas of responsibility.

A recent study by the German Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) states that in 2020, women in Germany will earn 18% less on average.

While this is a 1% lower average than in 2019, it cannot consider shortfalls due to COVID-19 and deviations due to short-time work.

Hourly earnings for men were €22.78 in 2020 and €18.62 for women.

This difference should not be justified by downtimes such as maternity leave, childcare, and parental leave.

It is also interesting to note that the gender pay gap is more significant in the old states than in the new states.

There it is only 6%, which may also be because salaries are generally lower there.

YearGermanyWest Germany(including Berlin)East Germany(without Berlin)
201022% 24%7%
Gender pay gap Germany – Percentage of how much men earn more than women in Germany

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Average salary in Germany depneding on education Gehalt in Deutschland nach Ausbildung

What are the average salaries in Germany by education

A general distinction is made between vocational training (so-called master artisans, specialists, or apprenticeships) and academic professions in Germany.

According to a study conducted by Statista in February 2021, on average salaries in Germany by educational level, 18.5% of the population with academic degrees earn more than those with vocational training. 250,000 data records were used for this study.

Vocational trainingThe average salary (per year)
Completed apprenticeship / training43,471 €
Master craftsman / Fachwirt55,222 €
Doctorate83,668 €
Master’s degree61,906 €
Bachelor’s degree54,210 €
University diploma78,687 €
University of Applied Sciences diploma77,696 €
2nd state examination81,580 €
Magister61,876 €
Average salaries in Germany by education (per year)

As you can see, the average salary in Germany can vary a lot. It depends on the region you are living in, your profession, your experience, your education, and your gender.

I hope that I can make things a bit easier for you when you either consider moving to Germany, finding some work there, or moving from one state to another.

You can always use the salary calculator Germany to fully understand your income tax as well as your salary tax.


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